• Due to safety and supervision concerns, all students will line up outside on the playground in the mornings before school. Each classroom has a designated space for student to line up until the 8:50 a.m. bell rings. Teachers will pick up students to enter the building. Outside supervision begins at 8:40 a.m. and goes until 8:55 a.m. When the weather is too cold (-10 degrees per school district policy) or stormy, students will be brought in as needed.

    Students can be dropped off starting at 8:40 in the drop off loop, which is around the hockey rink. If you would like to walk your child into their classroom in the morning, please park in the front parking lot. We also ask that you sign in at the office prior to going to the classroom. This is necessary if we need to locate you quickly in the event of an emergency. The front entrance is designated for our Special Needs buses and parking only. Please use the bus loop for dropping off students.

    Please keep in mind that teachers have planning time from 8:30a.m. till 8:55 a.m., unless they have morning duty that day. This is the only time they have to prepare for the day before students arrive. If you are needing to speak with a teacher please email them the night before. If you do need to speak with them the morning of, please remember to keep it brief so they can prepare for students day.

    Thank you for your cooperation with this important matter of safety for our students.

    -The O'Malley Staff

Parking Lot

  • Thank you to everyone for using the drop-off/pick-up area - the loop around the hockey rink - and not using the front lot and main doors.  This cuts down on children needing to walk unsupervised in the front parking lot.  Students should not arrive to school prior to 8:40 — because that’s the time our coverage for students begins.  We greatly appreciate your efforts!  Also, please remember that all visitors must sign-in in the office when entering the building.  This policy is in place for the safety and security of your children, and all of us who work in the school.  Also, if you are picking up your child and taking him/her out of the building, please make sure that you stop in the office first and sign your child out.  The office staff will dismiss them from the classroom to come to the office.  As another safety and security measure, this is in place so we know where our students are at all times.


    O'Malley Parking Lot photo.jpg