

    A picture containing text, clipartDescription automatically generatedNeed some Extra Help with your Schoolwork?

    Hanshew is partnering with the Service High School National Honor Society to provide tutoring for students.


    Hanshew Students who need extra assistance with their school work.

    Important Info:  Start date: September 3rd, 2024
     When:  Tuesday's and Thursday's; 4:15pm-5:15pm
     Where: Hanshew Middle School Library
    Tutoring Coordinator: Barbara Harper harper_barbara@asdk12.org


  • Locker Decoration Day!

    We would like to invite any of our students into the building on Friday, August 11th from 12:00p-3:00p to decorate the inside of their lockers and/or find their classrooms! Students will need to have their own decorative items and supplies for their lockers. Staff will not be able to assist students with decorating their lockers.

    Here are the items that are not permitted:
    - Students cannot use stickers of any type.
    - Students cannot use duct tape.
    - Students are encouraged not to decorate the outside of the locker.

    Students cannot just hang out at the school. Once they have completed their locker decorations, they must be picked up! The office will be closing at 3:15pm.