
  • ASD Destination 2020 Goal

    Every student will attend school at least 90 percent of the time. The school board defines what constitutes an excused absence from school as:

    • Illness
    • Death or serious illness in immediate family
    • Participation in a school function
    • Extenuating circumstances approved by the principal

     Attendance wordfile in the shape of a star


    • Students are not allowed in the building before 7:45 am, unless they are eating breakfast in the cafeteria. Students who are eating breakfast in the cafeteria cannot arrive before 7:30 am.
    • The first school bell rings at 7:50 am.
    • The second school bell rings at 8:00 am. If students arrive after this bell, they will be considered tardy and must check in with the office staff for a tardy slip. 
    • The dismissal bell rings at 2:30. If you pick up your child prior to the dismissal bell, you will need to check in with the office and sign your child out for the day. 
    • If your child is out sick for the day, please call before 9:00 am to let the office staff know at 907-742-3403.