School Policies

  • Attendance

    Parents/guardians are required to telephone the main number, 742-1700, prior to 8:30 AM each day their child will be absent from school, or tardy. Regular attendance is a critical aspect of the learning process, and we recognize the effort that is required of parents to get their children to school without school buses. Please continue doing your best to get your child to school on time each day, and let us know if you need to connect with rideshare opportunities in your neighborhood. 

    Building Hours

    The building is open to students from 7:30 AM until 4:00 PM daily.


    The PTSO provides items from the breakfast cart daily for our students, at no charge. The purpose of the breakfast cart is to ensure students have a little extra fuel for their day. 


    Please note that our lunchtimes vary:
    24-25 Bell Schedule

    Cell Phone & Earbuds/Headphones

    Students are expected to have their earbuds/headphones put away, and cell phones turned off and out of sight during class and passing time. They are permitted to use their device before school, during lunch, and after school.


    If a student has their cell phone or earbuds/headphones out in class or out during passing time, regardless of the reason, teachers will confiscate the device to be stored at the front office for the rest of the school day.

    1. Students will need to pick up their device from administration at the end of the school day. Parents will be notified by Administration.

    2. If this is a repeated behavior, Administration will work with the family to determine appropriate consequences and establish a device restriction plan (ex: devices left at home, devices checked in before going to class, etc.).

    3. Students will work with Administration to develop an action plan prior to lifting the restriction.