• Birchwood ABC Drop-off and Pick-up Plan

    Please do not drop-off your children before 8:40 AM. There are no adults on duty before that time.


    The safety of our students is a top priority for the Â鶹Éçmadou School District and Birchwood ABC Elementary School.  During pick up and drop off, students are exposed to traffic in our parking lot and around our school.  Therefore, the following procedures must be adhered to by all parents, visitors, and staff.


    Drop-off and pick-up takes place in the Parent/Visitor Parking lot, see map.  Parents have the following two options:



    1. Park in the parent/visitors parking lot.  Walk your child over to the sidewalk or into the school using one of the two crosswalks.  Return to your vehicle using a crosswalk.  Exit the parking lot following the traffic pattern and in a slow and safe manner.
    2. Remain in your vehicle.  Proceed in the right-hand lane, closest to the curb.  Do not exit your vehicle.  Stop when you enter the drop off area.  Make sure that your child exits the vehicle on the right-hand side.  Other vehicles may be passing you on the left so we will not allow children to get out into the drop off lane while exiting a vehicle. Students will proceed to their classroom line and wait for the bell. Please do not pull into the handicap parking spaces unless you have a permit.  Please do not block these spaces while proceeding through the drop off lane. Please do not stop in the crosswalks to drop off your child. These areas are marked by white lines.  Please also see the map to identify these areas.  Proceed through lane 1 or merge into lane 2 to exit.



    1. Park in the parent/visitors parking lot.  Walk over to the sidewalk or into the school, using one of the two crosswalks.  Escort your child back to your vehicle, again using a crosswalk.  Exit the parking lot following the traffic pattern in a slow and safe manner.
    2. Remain in your vehicle.  Proceed in the right-hand lane.  Do not exit your vehicle.  Students will be waiting in the following 3 areas:
    • Kindergarten
    • 1st – 3rd grades
    • 4th – 5th grades
    • See Attached Maps
    • Younger siblings will join older siblings in their pickup area.

    Stop when you approach your child.  Make sure that they enter the vehicle on the right-hand side.  Other vehicles may be passing you on the left so we will not allow children to walk out into the pickup lane to enter the left side of a vehicle. Please do not pull into the handicap parking spaces unless you have a permit.  Please do not block these spaces while proceeding through the drop off lane. Please do not stop in the crosswalks to drop off your child.  These areas are marked by white lines.  Please also see the map to identify these areas.  Please make sure your child is buckled up.  Proceed through lane 1 or merge into lane 2 to exit.


    General Rules:

    • Practice patience and being courteous. 
    • Our rules and procedures have been created for safety and efficiency.
    • Please follow the directions of our on-duty staff. Their job is to keep the traffic flowing and monitor safety.  Vehicles should pull forward as space allows before loading or dropping off students.
    • Vehicles should proceed slowly and be alert in the traffic loop and parking area.
    • Cell phone usage is prohibited while driving on our campus to keep drivers alert for pedestrians and traffic.  Please park if you need to use your phone. Police Officers monitor our pick-up drop-off periodically and the use of a cell phone in the line is an offense that can be ticketed.  
    • The left lane is for proceeding through the loop.  No one should stop in the left lane except to allow someone from the right lane to merge, or to allow pedestrians to cross at the crosswalk.
    • Be aware of pedestrians in the crosswalk.  Pedestrians always have the right of way.
    • Pedestrians, check carefully before entering the crosswalk.
    • Children should walk, not run, while proceeding to and from their vehicles.
    • Allow yourself enough time to drop off and pick up your child to alleviate stress and avoid having to rush.  Your child may be late to class if you arrive later than 8:50 AM. 
    • Please plan on picking up your child no later than 3:45 PM. Students not picked up by this time will be brought to the office to call home to check on their transportation.
    • A child must cross at the crosswalk with his/her parent accompanying him/her.
    • Pay attention to the signs, stay right and take turns.  It’s easy!



    Please Do Not

    • Drive through the parking lot and wait in your vehicle by the crosswalk.  Either park in the lot or join the loop.
    • Park in the parking lot and then allow your child to come or go unescorted through the lot.
    • Cut through the parking lot in order to enter the loop further up.
    • Parents should not drop-off or pick up within the area of the handicapped parking or in front of the cones.


    Please be advised that all violations will be addressed by school administration and/or Â鶹Éçmadou Police Department!

    Thank you for your assistance and support with keeping our students safe during drop off and pick up procedures!



Drop off
Pick up