• Kincaid

Project Background

  • Kincaid Elementary School (KES), home of the Kincaid Kind Coyotes, was built in 1996. Over the last 25 years, unexpected drainage and annual freeze/thaw cycles have drastically deteriorated the school’s driveway, bus drive, and parking area. Storm drains are failing, standing water prevents use of the main playground area, pavement is buckling, and outdated traffic design causes increased vehicle congestion at the school entrances during peak drop off and pick up times.


    Now past its 25-year useful life, the ASD has the opportunity to re-design KES’s parking areas and traffic flow to reflect current usage patterns, as well as improve site drainage, safety and lighting, and access for pedestrians, bike riders, busses, and cars. Other than a potential new bus access route from Raspberry Road, the majority of updates will be made to the existing site footprint.


    In 2022, ASD hired to develop a site design to address drainage, access, and traffic concerns at KES and conform with the Municipality of Â鶹Éçmadou’s (MOA) current comprehensive plan requirements. Following data collection at the site and using information from KES stakeholders, ASD and CRW will present a preliminary design to the MOA’s Urban Design Commission (UDC) and Planning Department in October 2022 with the intent of having a final design ready for contractor bids and construction in Summer 2023.

Public Involvement

  • Public and stakeholder involvement is critical for this design effort. Gaining input from KES users and neighbors early in the design effort will ensure that multiple stakeholder voices are heard, concerns are identified, and ideas for improvements are generated and, if appropriate, incorporated into the preliminary design.


    Projects are most successful when stakeholders understand how and why projects are identified, how they benefit the broader community, and have a voice in the decision-making process. ASD understands that regular communication with stakeholders and neighborhood residents is key to successful projects. The Public Involvement Plan (PIP) details the process, methods, and timeline the KES Site Improvements design team will use to communicate the project needs, solicit ideas and identify user group needs, and how they will work directly with the interested public to gather meaningful input into the design process.

Next Steps

    • June 2022 – Preferred Design Submitted to Urban Design Commission (UDC)
    • October 2022 – UCD Review and Public Comment
    • October 2022 – Final Design* Complete
    • December 2022 – Construction Bidding
    • Spring/Summer 2022 – Construction
    • Fall 2023 – Construction Complete

    * Final design elements identified and construction schedule pending funding availability.

Project Contacts

  • ASD is the project owner and is responsible for KES site improvements, decision-making and project implementation.


    Â鶹Éçmadou School District
    Robert Weber, Project Manager 


    Kincaid Elementary School
    Wendy Zorea, School Contact


    CRW is the lead consultant, responsible for overall, day-to-day project management. CRW is responsible for site data collection, public involvement and project communications, engineering, and permitting.


    CRW Engineering Group
    Rebecca Campbell, PE, Design Project Manager


    CRW Engineering Group
    Julie Jessen, Public Involvement

Project Contact

Resource Documents

Previous Events

    • June 15: Community Meeting 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. at Kincaid Elementary School - Review the Presentation
    • May 11 - 4:00-6:00p.m. - Volunteer Appreciation Presentation - Kincaid Elementary School
    • April 29 – 5:30-7:30 p.m. – Kincaid Carnival – Booth – Outreach to parents and kids – Kincaid Elementary School
    • April 19 – 4:30-6:30 p.m. – Public Open House – Kincaid Elementary School - Library/Gym 
    • April 12-13 – 8:30-9:00 a.m or 3:15-3:45 p.m. In-person survey at drop off and pick up location – Kincaid Elementary School
    • April 11 – 6:30 p.m. – Sand Lake Community Council – Sand Lake Elementary School

Project Overview

  • Project Overview

    Click to enlarge

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